CloneChecker: A Software Plagiarism Detector

ROPAS/Programming Research Lab
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Seoul National University

originally written by
Sungsoon Jang and Sunae Seo
Computer Science
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

What is CloneChecker?

This program quantifies the similarity of OCaml, nML, C, Java, or Scheme programs and groups them into "cliques." This software has been used in SNU and KAIST's several undergraduate courses for finding plagiarism in program homeworks. It is written in nML.

How does it work?

CloneChecker abstracts programs, compares them for similarity, and groups them into "cliques".

Details cannot be open to everybody (in particular, to students). We will open the details only to professors/instructors who will use this software in their classes. Please contact us ( However, we open our sources.

Dear students: If you want to spend some time to figure out how to avoid this clone-checker, we advise you to spend that precious time for doing your homeworks by yourself. Because we keep improving CloneChecker every semester based on our user's feedback and by means of our static analysis techniques we're afraid you can't beat it.

We bet that students love to counter:
"Dear CloneChecker authors: If you want to spend some time to figure out how to automatically detects homework clones, we advise you to spend that precious time for doing your ROPAS research. Because we keep improving our cloning skills every semester based on our friends' feedback and by means of our humane hacks we're afraid you can't beat us."
So, we are in an interesting game. Rock'n roll, guys.

Which languages does CloneChecker support?

