The mysql_api library enables you to write a DB accessing application in nML,
specially for MySQL database.
Programs that use the mysql_api library must be linked as follows:
[ Unix ]
nmlc other options -ccopt -Lmysql system's lib directory
-cclib -lmysqlclient -cclib -lmysql_api other files
[ MS-Windows ]
nmlc other options -cclib -lmySQL -cclib -lmySQL_api other files
28.1 |
Module Mysql_api: Mysql Database API library |
This module implements API functions for interfacing with Mysql database.
These API functions are implemented based on mysql database C API functions.
So, you need to read original the C API manual
Abstract data type definitions for mysql database |
type mysql (* MYSQL* *)
type mysql_res (* MYSQL_RES* *)
type mysql_row (* MYSQL_ROW *)
type mysql_field (* MYSQL_FIELD* *)
type mysql_field_offset (* MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET *)
type mysql_row_offset (* MYSQL_ROW* *)
type my_ulonglong = int (* unsigned long long *)
type mysql_option (* enum mysql_option *)
type my_bool = int (* char *)
type lengths (* unsigned long* *)
This is for accessing abstract data in nML |
// Get a MYSQL null pointer
mysql_null : unit -> mysql
// Get a MYSQL_RES null pointer
mysql_res_null : unit -> mysql_res
// Get a MYSQL_ROW null pointer
external mysql_row_null : unit -> mysql_row
// Get a MYSQL_FIELD null pointer
mysql_field_null : unit -> mysql_field
// Check whether given MYSQL pointer is null
is_mysql_null : mysql -> bool
// Check whether given MYSQL_RES pointer is null
is_mysql_res_null : mysql_res -> bool
// Check whether given MYSQL_ROW pointer is null
is_mysql_row_null : mysql_row -> bool
// Check whether given MYSQL_FIELD pointer is null
is_mysql_field_null : mysql_field -> bool
// Get the field name of the given mysql_field
mysql_extract_field_name : mysql_field -> string
// Get the table name of the given mysql_field
mysql_extract_field_table : mysql_field -> string
// Get the default value of the given mysql_field
mysql_extract_field_def : mysql_field -> string
// Get the type of the given mysql_field
mysql_extract_field_type :
-> int (* 0 : FIELD_TYPE_TINY *)
(* 3 : FIELD_TYPE_INT24 *)
(* 10 : FIELD_TYPE_TIME *)
(* 12 : FIELD_TYPE_YEAR *)
(* 14 : FIELD_TYPE_BLOB *)
(* 15 : FIELD_TYPE_SET *)
(* 16 : FIELD_TYPE_ENUM *)
(* 17 : FIELD_TYPE_NULL *)
(* 18 : FIELD_TYPE_CHAR *)
// Get nth field's value of the current row
mysql_extract_nth_row :
mysql_row -> int -> string
// produce a mysql_option from the given integer
mysql_get_option :
-> mysql_option
Default mysql api interface |
// returns the number of rows affected(changed) by the last UPDATE, DELETE
// or INSERT query. May be called immediately after mysql_query().
// For SELECT statements, it works like mysql_num_rows()
mysql_affected_rows : mysql -> my_ulonglong
// close a previously opened connection.
mysql_close : mysql -> unit
// deprecated. it is preferable to use mysql_real_connect() instead
mysql_connect :
mysql (* mysql *)
-> string (* const char* host *)
-> string (* const char* user *)
-> string (* const char* passwd *)
-> mysql
// create the database named by the db parameter
mysql_create_db :
mysql (* mysql *)
-> string (* const char* db *)
-> int (* int : zero if success or non-zero *)
// seeks to an arbitrary row in a query result set.
mysql_data_seek :
mysql_res (* result *)
-> my_ulonglong (* unsigned long long_offset *)
-> unit (* unit *)
// see the MySQL C API doc
mysql_debug :
string (* char* debug *)
-> unit (* unit *)
// drops the database named by the string parameter
mysql_drop_db :
mysql (* mysql *)
-> string (* const char* db *)
-> int (* int : zero if success, or non-zero *)
// instruct the server to write somedebug information to the log
// the connected user must have the process privilege for this to work
mysql_dump_debug_info :
mysql (* mysql *)
-> int (* int : zero if success, or non-zero*)
// deprecated. mysql_errorno() or mysql_error() may be used instead
mysql_eof :
mysql_res (* result*)
-> my_bool (* my_bool : zero if no error, or non-zero*)
// for the connection specified by mysql parameter, mysql_errno() returns
// the error code for the most recently invoked API function that can
// succeed or fail. A return value of zero means that no error occurred.
// Client error message numbers are listed in the MySQL 'errmsg.h" header file
// Server error message numbers are listed in 'mysqld_error.h'
mysql_errno :
mysql (* mysql*)
-> int (* unsigned int : error code value, zero if no error*)
// returns the error message for the most recently invoked API function
// that can succeed or fail
// an empty string ("") is returned if no error occurred
mysql_error :
mysql (* mysql*)
-> string (* char* : error message for most recently invoked API fun,*)
(* "" if no error*)
// you should use mysql_real_escape_string() instead!
mysql_escape_string :
string (* char* to *)
-> string (* char* from *)
-> int (* unsigned long from_length *)
-> int (* unsigned long *)
// returns the definition of one column of a result set as a mysql_field type
// call this function repeatedly to retrieve information about all columns
// in the result set.
// returns null when no more fields are left
mysql_fetch_field :
mysql_res (* result*)
-> mysql_field (* the mysql_field structure for the current column,*)
(* null if no columns are left*)
// returns an array of all mysql_field type value for a result set.
// each structure provides the field definition for one column of the result set
// note : removed in nML library (use mysql_fetch_field instead!!)
//mysql_fetch_fields :
// mysql_res (* result *)
// -> mysql_field (* an array of mysql_field structures for all columns of a result set *)
// given a field number for a column within a result set, returns that column's
// field definition as a mysql_field type. you may use this function to retrieve
// the difinition for an arbitrary column. the value of fieldnr should be in
// the range from 0 to mysql_num_fields(result)-1
mysql_fetch_field_direct :
mysql_res (* result *)
-> int (* unsigned int fieldnr *)
-> mysql_field (* mysql_field structure for the specified column *)
// returns the lengths of the columns of the current row within a result set
// if you plan to copy field values, this length information is also useful
// for optimization, because you can avoid calling strlen(). in addition,
// if the result set contains binary data, you must use this function to
// determine the size of the data, because strlen() returns incorrect
// results for any field containing null characters
mysql_fetch_lengths :
mysql_res (* result *)
-> lengths (* unsigned long* : an array of unsigned long integers representing the size*)
(* of each column, null of an error occurred *)
// retrieves the next row of a result set. when used after mysql_store_result(),
// mysql_fetch_row() returns null when there are no more rows to retrieve.
// when used after mysql_use_result(), mysql_fetch_row() returns null
// when there are no more rows to retrieve or if an error occurred.
mysql_fetch_row :
mysql_res (* result *)
-> mysql_row (* a mysql_row structure for next row.*)
(* null if no more rows to retrieve or if an error occurred*)
// returns the number of columns for the most recent query on the connection
mysql_field_count :
mysql (* mysql *)
-> int (* unsigned int : the number of fields in a result set *)
// set the field cursor to the given offset. the next call to mysql_fetch_field()
// will retrieve the field definition of the column associated with that offset
mysql_field_seek :
mysql_res (* result*)
-> mysql_field_offset (* offset*)
-> mysql_field_offset (* previous value of the field cursor*)
// returns the position of the field cursor used for the last mysql_fetch_field().
// this value can be used as an argument to mysql_field_seek()
mysql_field_tell :
mysql_res (* result *)
-> mysql_field_offset (* = unsigned int *)
(* position of field cursor used for the last mysql_fetch_field *)
(* can be used as an argument to mysql_field_seek *)
// frees the memory allocated for a result set by mysql_store_result(),
// mysql_use_result(), mysql_list_dbs(), etc. when you are done with a result set,
// you must free the menory it uses by calling mysql_free_result()
mysql_free_result :
mysql_res (* result *)
-> unit (* () *)
// returns a string that represents the client library version
mysql_get_client_info :
unit (* unit *)
-> string (* char* : the mysql client library version *)
// returns a string describing the type of connection in use, including
// the server host name
mysql_get_host_info :
mysql (* mysql *)
-> string (* char* : the server host name and the connection type *)
// returns the protocol version used by current connection
mysql_get_proto_info :
mysql (* mysql *)
-> int (* unsigned int : protocol version used by the current connection *)
// returns a string that represents the server version number
mysql_get_server_info :
mysql (* mysql *)
-> string (* char* : the server version number *)
// retrives a string providing information about the most recently executed query.
// see MySQL C API manual page for detailed information.
mysql_info :
mysql (* mysql *)
-> string (* char* : additional information about the most recently executed query. *)
(* null if no information is available for the query *)
// allocates or initializes a MYSQL object suitable for mysql_real_connect().
// if mysql is a NULL pointer(get this from mysql_null() function),
// the function allocates, initializes and returns a new object.
// otherwise the object is initialized and the address of the object is returned.
// if mysql_init() allocates a new object, it will be freed when mysql_close() is
// called to close the connection.
mysql_init :
mysql (* mysql : usually null. get this from c function*)
-> mysql (* mysql *)
// returns the ID generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the previous query.
// use this functin after you have performed an INSERT query into a table that
// contains an AUTO_INCREMENT field
mysql_insert_id :
mysql (* mysql*)
-> my_ulonglong (* the value of the AUTO_INCREMENT field that was updated by the previous query.*)
(* returns zero if there was no previous query on the connection *)
(* or if the query didn't update an AUTO_INCREMENT value*)
// asks the server to kill the thread specified by pid
mysql_kill :
mysql (* mysql*)
-> int (* unsigned long pid *)
-> int (* int : zero for success, or non-zero*)
// returns a result set consisting of databse names on the server that match the simple
// regular expression specified by the wild parameter. wild may contain the wildcard
// characters '%' or '_', or may be "" to match all databases.
// calling mysql_list_dbs() is similar to executing the query SHOW database [LIKE wild]
mysql_list_dbs :
-> string (* const char* wild*)
-> mysql_res
// returns a result set consisting of field names in the given table that match the simple
// regular expression specified by the wild parameter. wild may contain the wildcard
// characters '%' or '_', or may be "" to match all fields.
// calling mysql_list_fields() is similar to executing the query
// SHOW COLUMNS FROM tble_name [LIKE wild]
mysql_list_fields :
-> string (* const char* table*)
-> string (* const char* wild*)
-> mysql_res
// returns a result set describing the current server threads. this is the same kind of
// information as that reported by mysqladmin processlist or a SHOW PROCESSLIST query
mysql_list_processes :
-> mysql_res
// returns a result set consisting of table names in the current database that match the
// simple regular expression specified by the wild parameter. wild may contain the wildcard
// characters '%' or '_', or may be "" to match all fields.
// calling mysql_list_tables() is similar to executing the query SHOW tables [LIKE wild]
mysql_list_tables :
-> string (* const char* wild *)
-> mysql_res
// returns the number of columns in a result set
mysql_num_fields :
-> int (* unsigned int*)
// returns the number of rows in the result set
mysql_num_rows :
-> my_ulonglong
// can be used to set extra connect options and affect behavior for a connection.
// this function may be called multiple times to set several options
mysql_options :
-> mysql_option (* obtained by mysql_get_option function *)
-> string (* const char* arg *)
-> int (* int : zero fo success, or non-zero *)
// checks whether or not the connection to the server is working
// if it has gone down, an automatic reconnections is attempted
mysql_ping :
-> int (* int : zero if the server is alive, or non-zero *)
// executes the SQL query pointed to by the string
// the query must consist of a single SQL statement.
// you should not add a terminating semicolon(':') or \g to the statement
mysql_query :
-> string (* const char* query *)
-> int (* int : zero if the query was successful, *)
// attempts to establish a connection to a MySQL database engine running on the specified host
// mysql_real_connect() must complete successfully before you can execute any of the other
// API functions, with the exception of mysql_get_client_info
// for detail information, see the MySQL C API documentation in the manual
mysql_real_connect : (* if MYSQL_VERSION_ID >= 32200 *)
-> string (* const char* host *)
-> string (* const char* user *)
-> string (* const char* passwd *)
-> string (* const char* db *)
-> int (* unsigned int port *)
-> string (* const char* unix_socket *)
-> int (* unsigned int client_flag *)
-> mysql
// executes the SQL query pointed to by query, which should be a string length bytes long.
// the query must consist of a single SQL statement. you should not add ad terminating
// semicolon(':') or \g to the statement
// Note : for queries that contain binary data. in addition, it is faster than mysql_query()
mysql_real_query :
-> string (* const char* query *)
-> int (* unsigned int length *)
-> int (* int : zero if success *)
// asks the MySQL server to reload the grant tables.
// the connected user must have the reload privilege
mysql_reload :
-> int (* int : zero for success *)
// sets the row cursor to an arbitrary row in a query result set.
// this require that the result set structure contains the entire result of the query,
// so mysql_row_seek() may be used in conjunction only with mysql_store_result(),
// not with mysql_use_result()
mysql_row_seek :
-> mysql_row_offset
-> mysql_row_offset (* int : zero for success *)
// returns the current position of the row cursor fo the last mysql_fetch_row().
// this value can be used as an argument to mysql_row_seek()
mysql_row_tell :
-> mysql_row_offset (* = MYSQL_ROW* *)
// causes the database specified by the string parameter to become the default(current) DB
// on the connection specified by mysql. in subsequent queries, this database is the default
// for the table reference that do not include an explicit database specifier
mysql_select_db :
-> string (* const char* db *)
-> int (* int : zero for success *)
// asks the database serve to shutdown. the connected user must have shutdown privileges
mysql_shutdown :
-> int (* int : zero for success *)
// returns a string containing information similar to that provided by the mysqladmin status
// command. this includes uptime in seconds and the number of running threads, questions,
// reloads and open tables
mysql_stat :
-> string (* char* : a character string describing the server status *)
(* null if an error occurred *)
// you must call mysql_store_result() or mysql_use_result() for every query which successfully
// retrieves data(SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN)
// for detail information, see the MySQL C API documentation in the manual
mysql_store_result :
-> mysql_res
// returns the thread ID of the current connection.
// this value can be used as an argument to mysql_kill() to kill the thread
mysql_thread_id :
-> int (* unsigned long *)
// you must call mysql_store_result() or mysql_use_result() for every query
// which successfully retrieves data (SELECT ,SHOW, DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN)
// for detail information, see the MySQL C API documentation in the manual
mysql_use_result :
-> mysql_res
removed library due to no definition |
mysql_slave :
mysql_stop_slave :
mysql_thread_save :
mysql_change_user :
mysql_character_set_name :
mysql_real_escape_string :
Refined function definitions |
// refined mysql_real_connect function
mysql_refined_real_connect :
-> string (* const char* host *)
-> string (* const char* user *)
-> string (* const char* passwd *)
-> string (* const char* db *)