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Up: Implementation
Previous: typeutil.n
This file includes various utility functions for nML CFA and nML Exception
Analyzer (EA).
- structures
- structure IS: integer set
- structure SS: string set
- structure LS: location set
- structure ES: exception set
- structure IM: integer map
- structure SM: string map
- structure TM: type map
- structure LM: location map
- structure EM: exception map
- structure SH: string heap
- structure T: for time profile information
- list operations
- list2IS: int list -> IS.t
- foldl: ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a
- take: ('a list * int) -> 'a list
take (l,i) returns the first i elements of the list l.
- drop: ('a list * int) -> 'a list
drop (l,i) returns what is left after dropping the first i
elements of the list l.
- lstMinus: 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
lstMinus [3,6,2,4,6,9] [4,6,9] is [3,6,2].
- lstlast: 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a
- others
- exception Fail of string
- inc: int ref -> unit: increment function
- ($$): ('a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'b: function composition
- print: string -> unit: print_string
- i2s: int -> string: integer to string
- b2s: bool -> string: boolean to string
- r2s: real -> string: real to string
- cfa: bool ref: flag for reporting cfa results
- debugflag: bool ref: flag for debugging
- debug: string -> unit: print function for debugging
Next: preinfer.n
Up: Implementation
Previous: typeutil.n
Sukyoung Ryu