Module Random

structure Random = struct ... end 
Pseudo-random number generator (PRNG).

val init : int -> unit
Initialize the generator, using the argument as a seed. The same seed will always yield the same sequence of numbers.
val full_init : int array -> unit
Same as Random.init but takes more data as seed.
val self_init : unit -> unit
Initialize the generator with a more-or-less random seed chosen in a system-dependent way.
val bits : unit -> int
Return 30 random bits in a nonnegative integer.
val int : int -> int bound returns a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and bound (exclusive). bound must be more than 0 and less than 230.
val real (float) : real -> real
Random.real bound returns a random floating-point number between 0 (inclusive) and bound (exclusive). If bound is negative, the result is negative. If bound is 0, the result is 0.

type state
Values of this type are used to store the current state of the generator.

val get_state : unit -> state
Returns the current state of the generator. This is useful for checkpointing computations that use the PRNG.
val set_state : state -> unit
Resets the state of the generator to some previous state returned by Random.get_state.